· The SWISS EPHEMERIS is the high precision ephemeris developed by Astrodienst, largely based upon the DExxx ephemerides from NASA's JPL. Daily GPS Broadcast Ephemeris Files. The daily GPS broadcast ephemeris file is a merge of the individual site navigation files into one, non-redundant file that can be utilized by users instead of the many individual navigation files. The daily file created at BKG each day contains unique navigation messages from sites in Europe. The SWISS EPHEMERIS is the high precision ephemeris developed by Astrodienst. The Swiss Ephemeris is not a product for end users. It is a toolset for programmers to build into their astrological software. For end users are the printable ephemeris files for years, in Acrobat PDF format.
Please also credit Dr. E. Myles Standish of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the JPL ephemeris files (DE, DE, DE, etc.). The software is available as a gzipped tarball or a Winzip archive: bltadwin.ru (54 kbytes) ephcomzip (80 kbytes) E-mail any questions to mystars@bltadwin.ru Send bug reports to bugs@bltadwin.ru Dear Arya I have a project Astrology in Visual Basic (downloaded through internet) in that project they used swedlldll file for ephemeris. recently i am also bussy in astrology project but i use PHP for above project so i am confused how i use swedlldll in my project i never use dll file in php i also have details of function and arguments of that dll so If you can solve my problem. When the auto-download of the ephemeris is not working you may elect to manually determine the correct ephemeris file to download from the NASA CDDIS site while your IT resolves any connection issues. Click here to determine the alternate navigation file to download from NASA's CDDIS.. Determine the start/end times in UTC or GPS for your mission/Cycle to be processed.
Evaluate the capabilities of your download channel and choose one of two options for downloading the archive of Swiss ephemeris. Those who want to download ephemeris that are not shown on this page can go to the Swiss Ephemeris website and load the required ephemeris from there. There, each ephemeris file is intended to determine the location of a single asteroid. The SWISS EPHEMERIS is the high precision ephemeris developed by Astrodienst. The Swiss Ephemeris is not a product for end users. It is a toolset for programmers to build into their astrological software. For end users are the printable ephemeris files for years, in Acrobat PDF format. The Swiss Ephemeris package switches automatically to the available best precision ephemeris dependent on which installed ephemeris files it finds. Even without any stored ephemeris files, using the Moshier model, planetary positions with better than seconds of arc precision are available (3 arcsec for the Moon).